How to choose Pond Fish Food
Quality Pond Fish Food for Koi and Goldfish keeps the Pond Fish healthy & helps maintain the quality of the Pond Water.
Our most popular foods are our proprietary floating bulk mixes:
Basic Bulk Koi and Goldfish Food, Spring/Fall Bulk Koi and Goldfish food, and our Steak Mix bulk Koi and Goldfish food.
It is important to remember that what goes in does not all have to come out in regards to Koi and Goldfish Food.
Lighter, mass produced, and well marketed foods like Tetra Pond foods may not be the best choice as a primary food for Koi and Goldfish. Diets focused on quality and diversity produce more color, less fish waste, and healthier growth rates, most particularly in Koi.
Better food means healthier Koi and Goldfish, cleaner and clearer pond water, and less pond maintenance!
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Our Bulk Koi and Goldfish Foods – for sale on our website, on, and in our Pond Supply Store in St. Louis, MO. – are floating Pond Fish Foods that provide a broad spectrum of vitamins, proteins, vegetables, pro-biotics, wheat germ, spirulina, and fruits for Koi and Goldfish.
They do not cloud the pond water, and are highly digestible.
PondMarket Bulk Koi and Goldfish Food (Steak Mix) even contains montmorillonite clay, or Koi Clay, to ensure healthy mineral ingestion to bring out those bright colors and distinctive patterns we all love in our hand picked Koi fish. Steak Mix is a blend of floating Koi Sticks and floating Koi Pellets.
We also offer a sinking Koi and Goldfish food, but not in bulk.
When a better, denser Koi and Goldfish Food is fed to Koi and Goldfish, they will consume less food adding yet more value to Bulk Koi and Goldfish Food for sale online at
Take a look at the picture below.
Both volumes of food weigh the same, 3.31lbs.
Our Bulk Koi and Goldfish Food Steak Mix is roughly twice as heavy at half the volume!
This means that your fish will consume approximately half as much and arguably get more than twice what they need in vitamins, minerals, fruits and vegetables, color enhancers, etc.
It is important to remember when feeding Koi and Goldfish that different Koi and Goldfish Food is required for different temperatures, because they do not have stomachs and are cold blooded, and their ability to digest varies with the water temperature.
Pond thermometers, feeding thermometers, and wifi temperature monitors are available to help determine what to feed Koi and Goldfish in different water temperatures.
Koi and Goldfish metabolisms work proportional to the temperature: higher temperatures require more food with different ingredients than lower water temperatures. Higher temperatures require more proteins, for example, and Cool Weather or Spring/Fall Koi and Goldfish Food requires easier digestible wheat germ and/or spirulina.
Pond Fish waiting to be fed at our Pond Fish facility
Pond Fish live in a special environment that allows only limited chances of finding natural food that would satisfy all their nutritional needs. It is important that we provide Pond Fish Food which is easily digestible to limit organic waste (which turns into algae food) produced in the pond, as well as provides all the nutrients needed by the Pond Fish.
For more information, please download our free
Basic Pond Fish Care E-Book.