Did the temp change killed my Koi?


I came out yesterday to find all my Koi dead. I have had this pond for about 15 years and the fish were about the same age. I have no idea what happened here. we had temperatures at 6 degrees on Monday and then Temperatures at 70 degrees on Saturday. Weo


If your pond is less than 24 inches in depth then the temperature change could have had an impact on the death of your pond fish, but more than likely the temperature swing itself didn’t change the temperature of the water enough to kill your fish.

It is important to also make sure to have an Air Pump in the pond this time of year to ensure that your pond fish have enough oxygen to survive. A De-Icer should be in the pond as well to keep a hole in the ice to allow harmful gases to escape from under the ice.

There are a couple of things that could have contributed to the death of your pond fish. Was anything added to the pond recently? Have you checked the pH? Tested for Ammonia? Be sure to test your water.

If a De-Icer or Air Pump wasn’t present in the pond when the temperature dropped, then more than likely lack of oxygen was the culprit.