Pond liner leak
I believe that my liner which is about 9 years old has a leak, how do I tell for sure? Is there something I can put in the pond that will tell me where the leak is? Or should I just replace it?
Finding a leak can be difficult, but there are some steps you can take to help.
1) Turn off all water features (fountains, waterfalls, etc) and see if the leaking stops. If so, the leak is somewhere in the water features or tubing/hoses/pipes leading to it.
2) If that did not stop the leak then let the pond leak until it stops. This will tell you at which level the leak it.
3) Examine the liner very closely all around the perimeter at the level at which the leakage stopped to see if you can find the leak.
4) If the leak cannot be found that way because it is too small, then fill a spray bottle with milk and slowly spray a section of water around the perimeter (again at the level at which the leak stopped) and watch if you can see in which direction the water is flowing and possibly leaving the pond.
If none of that works, then the best bet is to replace the liner.